Prof. Holzinger began his faculty career at Georgia Tech in the Fall 2012 semester, and since has constructed a rigorous, externally funded, theory-to-hardware high-impact research program. His lab research draws from dynamics, controls, autonomy, and estimation disciplines, focusing on Space Situational Awareness, distributed spacecraft formation flight, proximity operations & rendezvous, and optimal reachability theory applications.
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering (2012-present)
Senior Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Texas A&M University, Department of Aerospace Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. K. Terry Alfriend (2011-2012)
Member of the Technical Staff III, Northrop Grumman Space Technologies (now Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems), working with Dr. Mark Milam, now an Engineering Fellow (2005-2008)
Development Engineer, Aerojet Rocketdyne, Redmond Operations (2003-2005)
Selected Honors
2017 - Advisor to ‘Best Student Paper’ selectee at the IAA 1st International Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA)
2017 - National Academy of Engineering US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Selectee
2017 - AFOSR Young Investigator Award
2016 - AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics ‘Excellent Reviewer’
2014 - ASEE Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow, AFRL/RDS
2014 - AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics ‘Excellent Reviewer’
2013 - Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology
2011 - AIAA GNC Conference Graduate Student Paper Competition Finalist
2008 - Northrop Grumman Space Technology Innovation Award (79 awards, 9,730 employees)
2003 - George Snyder Undergraduate Astrobiology Fellow
2003 - Mary Gates Research Scholar
Interdisciplinary Challenges in Space Domain Awareness, Space Times Magazine, April / May, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2017
Georgia Tech Observatory Celebrates 10 Years of Southern Stargazing, Georgia Tech Online News, April, 2017
Reaching for the Sky, Georgia Trend Magazine, Dec. 2016
The Future is Small, Georgia Tech Research Horizons Magazine, Sep. 2015
Reaching for the Stars, Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine, Sep. 2015
To Infinity and Beyond, Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine, Sep. 2015
Star Wars vs. Star Teck: The Ultimate Showdown, Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine, Sep. 2015