Teaching, Outreach, and Undergraduate Advising

Undergraduate Advising
If I you have been assigned to Prof. Holzinger as an undergraduate advisee (you should have recieved an email), please prepare for each 20-minute meeting by bringing the following information

  • A completed and up-to-date curriculum flow chart (detailed requirements are here)
  • Run a degree audit, and prepare an itemized list of any surprises, issues, or special cases that we need to discuss
  • Concrete thoughts on your summer internship plans
  • Some thoughts on what you'd like to do after receiving your BSAE at GT

Having this material on hand will ensure that our 20-minute meeting will be time well spent, and that we'll have a clear plan of action.

The telescope my lab developed for space object detection, tracking, and characterization research is utilized regularly for Georgia Tech Observatory Public Nights.

Students participating in the RECONnaissance of Space Objects (RECONSO) student CubeSat program often participate in outreach events focusing on visiting local K-8 schools.

Undergraduate Teaching (new curriculum)
AE2220, Dynamics (Sp16, Sp17)
AE3330, Vehicle Performance (Fa17)
AE2699, Undergraduate Research (all semesters)
AE4699, Undergraduate Research (all semesters)

I'll likely have a hand in the following courses to be offered in AY16/17 and AY17/18:

AE4532, Spacecraft Flight Dynamics (TBD)

Graduate Teaching
AE6353, Orbital Mechanics (Fa12, Fa13, Fa14, Fa15, Fa16)
AE6354, Advanced Orbital Mechanics (Sp14, Sp16, Sp18)
AE6505, Kalman Filtering (Sp13 - co-instructor @15%)
AE8801-SEM, Graduate Student Seminar (Fa17, Sp18)

Undergraduate Teaching (old curriculum)
AE3515, System Dynamics & Controls (Sp13, Sp14)
AE4310, Spaceflight Mechanics (Fa14)